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                    Figure 3.1 - Apparatus for the production of ethine

                      Water  reacts  with  calcium  carbide  to  form  ethin,
                 which is discharged through a gas-fired tube:

                   Ca         + H O          H   C    C     H + Ca(OH)   2

                      Ethyne, which is released as a result of the reaction, is
                 passed  into  a  test  tube  with  bromine  water  which  is
                 discolored due to the addition of bromine in multiple bonds
                 with   the    formation    of    1,2-dibromoethene    and
                 tetrabromoethane by the equations of reactions:

                    C H      C H +     B r  2              C H       C H

                                                           B r       B r
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