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e. g.      Go to the  country | if you       want to have a  rest.
                            If  the  principal  clause  implies  continuation  and  makes  a  irate
                            intonation-group it is pronounced with the low-rising  or falling-
                            rising nuclear tone.
                            e. g. I'll       tell him at ,once | you       want to  see him.

                            Adverbial Clauses of Condition and Time

                            Model:  a) If you        want to have a > rest, |        go to the
                                          b)  If you       want to have a ,rest, |        go to the
                                          c)        When he ,comes |        ask him to  wait.
                                                    Nuclear Tones
                                1.  Read the information concerning the topic.
                                2.  Be ready to retell it.
                                3.  Do all the practical reading drill exercises to the topic.
                                4.  Supply examples of your own to illustrate each of the main nuclear
                                   The  low  fall  starts  in  the  middle  of  the  voice  range  and
                            gradually  descends  to  a  very  low  pitch.  It  usually  creates  the
                            impression  of  calmness  and  indifference,  finality,  completeness,
                            definiteness. [  ]
                                   The  low  rise  starts  at  a  very  low  pitch  and  gradually
                            ascends to the middle of the voice range. The high fall expresses
                            personal  concern,  warmth,  interest.  The  rising  tone  usually
                            expresses non-finality or non-completeness. []
                                   The high fall starts at a high pitch and then falls to a very
                            low pitch. High Fall adds personal concern, interest and warmth,
                            emotional richness to the characteristic features of the low fall. []
                                   The  high rise  starts  in the  middle of the  voice range  and
                            then rises to a very high pitch. It is an interrogatory tone since the

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