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prominence. A greater degree of prominence given to one or more
                            syllables in the word which singles it out through changes in the
                            pitch  and  intensity  of  the  voice  and  results  in  qualitative  and
                            quantative  modifications of sounds  in the accentuated syllable  is
                            known a word stress ( or word accent).
                                  English word stress is dynamic or force stress. It means, that
                            prominence of speech sounds in the word is achieved by greater
                            force of utterance  as compared with that of the other syllables in
                            the same word.
                                  Word  accent  in  English  is  free  or  shifting  (  Word  stress
                            performs 3 basic functions:
                                1)  constituitive , because it organizes a word as a complicated
                                   sound unit;
                                2)  recognitive , as it helps to recognize words;
                                3)  distinctive,  for  it  helps  to  distinguish  words  and  their
                                   grammar forms.
                                  There  are  pairs  of  words  of  which  one  member  is  a  noun
                            stressed on the first syllable, and the other a verb , stressed on the
                            second syllable. Examples of words in frequent use are :
                                  abstract                            convert
                                  accent                              convict
                                  addict                              decrease
                                  ally                                desert
                                  attribute                           dictate
                                  combine                             digest
                                  compress                            discount
                                  concert                             discourse
                                  conduct                             entrance
                                  conflict                            envelope (n)
                                  conscript                           en’velop (v)
                                  contest                             escort
                                  contract                            essay
                                  contrast                            exploit
                                  converse                            export

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