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P. 72

front of the tongue is raised to the position of the vowel [i]. Thus
                            the  nucleus  can  be  characterized  as  front-retracted,  high-broad,
                            unrounded. In the pronouncing the glide of  the tongue moves back
                            and  down  towards  [ə  ],  the  articulation  of  which  is  fully
                            accomplished. The lips are neutral.

                            Task 115 . Practise saying the words  and the sentences correctly:
                                   Near,  real,  dear,  material,  nearly,  here,  clearly,  ideal,
                                   1.     Can you here clearly from here?
                                   2.     The theatre is somewhat near here.

                            Task  116  .  Memorize  the  following  nursery  rhime,  pay  special
                                   attention to the pronounciation of [I ]:
                                   The frost is here,
                                   The fuel is dear,
                                   And woods are sear,
                                   And fires burn clear.
                                   And frost is here
                                   And has bitten the heel of the going year.

                            Task 117 . Practise the following dialogue. Learn it by heart.
                                   A dialogue
                                   A:  Silvia,  dear!  Your  voice  has  disappeared  again  and  I
                            can’t hear you.
                                   B: Really? I’m trying to speak loudly and clearly.
                                   A: Yes, now I hear you much better, thank you.
                                   B:  So  I  say  I’ve  got  a  role  in  “King  Lear”  by  W.
                            Shakespeare. I’m so happy!
                                   A: Three cheers for you, dear!

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