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P. 71

Task 112 . Practise the following dialogue. Learn it by heart
                                   A dialogue
                                   A: Is Howard in or out?
                                   B: Howard! Howard! It sounds as if he is out.
                                   A: I’ll shout a bit louder. Howard!
                                   B: Howard! Sue Brown is in town!
                                   A: Mm. It sounds as if he is in!

                                   Diphthong [ əu] – in the pronunciation of the nucleus the
                            central part of the tongue is in the [ɜ: ] position and is central, mid-
                            narrow, unrounded. During the glide the back of the tongue rises
                            higher, moving in the direction of [u]. The glide is rather distinct
                            in  stressed syllables and  sounds  like the  vowel [u]. The  lips are
                            neutral at the beginning of the diphthong but during the glide, i.e.
                            at the end of the diphthong, they are almost as much rounded as
                            for [u].
                                                              [əu ]
                            Task 113. Practise saying the words  and the sentences correctly:
                                   So, soul, toast, yellow, old, low, load, loaf, window, told.
                                   1.     No smoking.
                                   2.     Won’t you go for a stroll?
                                   3.     I don’t suppose you know Rose.

                            Task  114  .  Memorize  the  following  nursery  rhime,  pay  special
                                   attention to the pronounciation of [əu]:
                                   Suppose that everyone in England
                                   Wrote letters every day
                                   And lots of picture postcards.
                                   What would the postman say?

                                   Diphthong  [iə]-  during  the  pronunciation  of  the  nucleus
                            the bulk of the tongue is in the front part of the mouth cavity. The

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