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P. 65

Task  97.  Practise  saying  the  words    and  the  sentences
                                   Sir, serve, first, early, world, fir, firm, hurt, certain, girl.
                                   1.     One good turn deserves another.
                                   2.     First come, first served.
                                   3.     Earl will be thirteen years old next year.

                            Task  98.  Memorize  the  following  nursery  rhimes,  pay  special
                                   attention to the pronounciation of [ɜ:]
                                   There was a little girl
                                   And she had a little curl
                                   Right in the middle of her forehead.
                                   And when she was good she was very, very good.
                                   And when she was bad, she was horrid.

                                                       Little Miss Myrtle sat on a turtle,
                                                       Thinking that it was a chair;
                                                       “Oww eee!”, cried the turtle,
                                                       “I’m sorry,” said Myrtle,
                                                       “I didn’t know you were there”.

                            Task 99. Listen to these groups of words and tell which one is not
                                   pronounced [ɜ:]
                            1. girl   tired   bird   first
                            2. worm   worn   world   work
                            3. advertisement   university   reserved   western
                            4. nurse   bury   suburb   disturb
                            5. learn   earn   wear   early

                                   [ə]  central,  mid-broad,  unrounded,  short  and  lax  vowel.
                            Occurs  in  unstressed  positions  only  and  is  pronounced  with  the

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