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P. 62

[υ]   back-advanced,    high-
                                                        broad, slightly rounded, short and lax
                                                        vowel -  is pronounced with the bulk
                                                        of the tongue in the back part of the
                                                        mouth     cavity,   but    somewhat
                                                        advanced. The back of the tongue is
                                                        raised  in  the  direction  of  the  front
                            part of the soft palate, higher than  for [υ:]. The  lips  are slightly
                            Task 89. Practise saying the words  and the sentences correctly:
                                   Good, look, woman, full, room, book, pudding, wolf.
                                   1.     Would you help the woman, if you could?
                                   2.     He couldn’t help looking, could he?
                                   3.     Here’s your cookbook.

                            Task  90.  Memorize  the  following  nursery  rhime,  pay  special
                                   attention to the pronounciation of [υ]
                                   Little Red Riding Hood
                                   Took one good look at the wolf.
                                   Then she took to her heels
                                   As fast as she could.

                            Task 91. Read these phrases, notice the difference between [υ] and [
                                   A  good  food,  a  beautiful  cooker,  a  school  uniform,  a
                            wooden pulley, Tuesday’s newspaper, a souvernir bull, a cookery
                            book, a menu for two

                                   [ u:] back, high-narrow, rounded, long and tense vowel - is
                            pronounced with the bulk of the tongue retracted more than for [
                            u].  The  back  of  the  tongue  is  raised  in  the  direction  of  the  soft
                            palate  higher  than  for  [  u],  but  not  so  high  as  to  cause  the  air

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