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stream to produce audible friction. It’s long and tense. During the
                            pronunciation  of  this  vowel  the  tongue  may  move  from  a  more
                            advanced  and  open  position  to  a  closer  and  more  retracted
                            position, as a result of which the vowel is diphthongized.
                                                              [ u:]
                            Task 92. Practise saying the words  and the sentences correctly:
                                   Too,  soon,  tooth,  tool,  junior,  who,  rude,  boot,  fool,
                                   1.     Do you usually have two pupils on duty?
                                   2.     Too many cooks spoil the broth.
                                   3.     Ruth can’t say a boo to a goose.

                            Task 93. Practise the following dialogue. Learn it by heart.
                                     A dialogue
                                   A: We would be there by two.
                                   B: Yes. It’s a full moon. And the route’s good.
                                   A: I’ll put the things in the boat.
                                   B: The boat’s full.
                                   A: What has that fool put in the boat?
                                   B: I wouldn’t look, if I were you…
                                   A: All right, I won’t.

                            Task  94.  Memorize  the  following  nursery  rhime,  pay  special
                                   attention to the pronounciation of [υ:]
                                   I’m going to take my dog to school,
                                   Dog to school, dog to school.
                                   He’s going to learn a grammar rule,
                                   Early Monday morning.

                                                              [Λ]     central,   low-narrow,
                                                       unrounded,  short  and  lax  vowel  -  is
                                                       pronounced with the central part of the
                                                       tongue  raised  in  the  direction  of  the

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