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P. 61

[ɒ:]  fully  back,  mid-
                                                            broad,  rounded,  long  and  tense
                                                            vowel  -  is  pronounced  with  the
                                                            bulk  of  the  tongue  in  the  back
                                                            part  of  the  mouth  cavity.  The
                                                            back of the tongue is raised in the
                                                            direction of the soft palate, higher
                                                            than  for  [ɒ    ].  The  lips  are
                                                            rounded and slightly protruded to
                            form an opening which is much smaller than for [ɒ  ]. The opening
                            between the jaws is medium.

                                                              [ɒ: ]
                            Task 87. Practise saying the words  and the sentences correctly:
                            For, form, fork, fall, order, or lord, sort, call, daughter, A thought,
                            a talk, a yarn, a call, a walk, Maud, Paul, a stormy dawn, Adore,
                            adornment, afford, before, bore, bored, coarse, cohort; pore/pour,
                            reborn, record, reported, restore, scornful, seashore, shorn, short,
                            snore, soar, sordid, sorting, sports, sword, sworn, tore, torn, ward,
                                   1.     To cut a long story short.
                                   2.     Cora adores small talk.
                                   3.     To talk to Mort is like talking to the wall.
                                   4.       Maud is short. – Paul is tall.
                                   5.     Maud is walking on the lawn. Paul is crawling along a
                            wall. Maud warns Paul, “You’ll fall!” – “Not at all!, retorts Paul.

                            Task  88.  Memorize  the  following  nursery  rhime,  pay  special
                                   attention to the pronounciation of [ɒ: ]
                                   Humpty-Dumpty sat on the wall.
                                   Humpty-Dumpty had a great fall.
                                   All the King’s horses and all the King’s men
                                   Couldn’t put Humpty-Dumpty together again.

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