Page 53 - 663
P. 53

                            Task 68. Practise saying the words  and the sentences correctly:
                                Joy, jar, job, large, edge, age, page, major.
                                1. Change the subject.
                                2. Jim’s just my age.
                                3. Joe, make a margin on the left of the page.

                             Task  69.  Memorize  the  following  nursery  rhimes,  pay  special
                                   attention to the pronounciation of [ʤ]:
                                Jack and Jill went up the hill
                                To fetch a pail of water.
                                Jack fell down and broke his crown,
                                   And Jill came tumbling after.

                                   Jack and Jane jumped on a plane
                                   To fly to Barcelona.
                                  What a surprise!
                                   They rubbed their eyes,
                                   And saw their sister Mona!

                                             DESCRIPTION OF PHONEMES
                                                   VOWEL PHONEMES

                                                              [ i ] front-retracted, high-broad,
                                                         unrounded,  short  and  lax  vowel.    -
                                                         this  vowel  is  pronounced  with  the
                                                         bulk of the tongue in the front part
                                                         of the cavity, but slightly retracted.
                                                         The front of the tongue is raised in
                                                         the direction of the hard palate, but
                                                         not so high as for [ I:]. The lips are
                                                         spread  or  neutral.  The  opening

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