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P. 48

How many of them were going to St. Ives?

                                                             Phonemes    [θ],  [ð  ]  -  in  their
                                                        pronouncing  the  tongue  is  flattered.
                                                        The tip of the tongue is between the
                                                        upper  and  the  lower  teeth.  The  air
                                                        passes    through    the   narrowing
                                                        between the upper teeth and the tip of
                                                        the  tongue.  In  pronouncing  [θ]  the
                                                        vocal  cords  do  not  vibrate,  in
                                                        pronouncing [ð] they vibrate.
                                                             [θ ]
                            Task 58. Practise saying the words  and the sentences correctly:
                                Theme, thing, thin, north, month, south, three, throw, thrust,
                            three, thirty three, three hundred and thirty three, Arthur Smith, a
                            thick-set, healthy athlete sees three thieves.

                                1. A thousand thanks to you both.
                                2. Nothing like youth.
                                3. When three Thursdays come together.
                                4.Throw a thong round Thea's throat and threaten to throttle
                            her. He throws one thug to earth with a thud that shakes his teeth.
                            Both  the  other  thieves  run  off  with  a  filthy  oath.  Thea  thanks
                            Arthur for thrashing the three thugs.

                            Task  59.  Memorize  the  following  tongue  twister,  pay  special
                                     attention to   the pronunciation of [θ ]
                                Theophilus thistle, the successful thistle sifter,
                                  Thrust three thousand thistles in the thick of his thumb.

                            Task 60. Practise reading the following words and phrases, paying
                            special  attention  to  the    pronunciation  of  [θ]  in  combination  with
                            other consonants and vowels:
                            Exercise 1: Words with voiceless / th /

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