Page 55 - 663
P. 55

See, seed, seat, feel, being, be, bead, beat, meal, evening,
                            a tree, three leaves, a bee, a sheep, a fleet at sea, ice-cream for tea

                                1. Pleased to meet you.
                                2. Steve is eager to please the teacher.
                                3. The teacher has every reason to be displeased.
                                  4.Stephen  meets  Eve  one  evening  for  a  meal.  Stephen  is
                            greedy. He eats three pieces of cheese.   Asleep, Stephen dreams of
                            Eve. He sees Eve fleeing from three beasts.

                            Task  73.  Memorize  the  following  nursery  rhimes,  pay  special
                                   attention to the pronounciation of [i:]:
                                A sailor went to sea, sea, sea,
                                To see what he could see, see, see,
                                But all that he could see, see, see,
                                  Was the bottom of the deep blue sea, sea, sea.

                            He’s going to learn to count to three,
                            Count to three, count to three.
                            He’s going to learn the verb “to be”,
                            Early Monday morning.

                            Task 74. Practise the following dialogue. Learn it by heart.
                            A dialogue

                            A:  These  feet  are  in  terrible  B:  But  I  do  eat  green
                            condition. They need treatment.  vegetables, Doctor, and I don’t
                                                              eat meat at all.
                            B: I agree, Doctor. My  feet do  A: Then you don’t seem to need
                            need treatment.                   the treatment.
                            A: The treatment for these  feet  B: But, Doctor, my feet!
                            is  to  eat  lots  of  green
                            vegetables. But do not eat meat
                            for at least a week.

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