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P. 41

3.  The  rich  Turkish  sugar  merchant  purchased  a  shining
                                   Porshe for his Chinese chauffeur to polish.
                                4.  Sasha,  the  Russian  chess  champion,  chased  Sharon,  the
                                   Scottish  chambermaid,  round  the  kitchen,  so  Sharon
                                   showed Sasha the door.
                                                             [ʒ  ]

                            Task 46. Practise saying the words  and the sentences correctly:
                                Measure, pleasure, leisure, vision, decision, invasion, rouge
                                1. His pleasure and joy knew no measure.
                                2. After mush persuasion she took a decision.
                                3. A mirage is an illusion.

                            Task 47. Practise the following dialogue. Learn it by heart.
                                A dialogue
                                A: But how can you measure pleasure?
                                B: You can measure anything.
                                A: But pleasure is immeasurable.
                                B: It’s not immeasurable.
                                   A: And if it were measurable, it would be half so pleasurable.

                                                           Phonemes    [s],  [z]  -  in  their
                                                       pronouncing  the  tip  of  the  tongue  is
                                                       raised to the alveolar ridge. A rounded
                                                       narrowing is formed between the tip of
                                                       the tongue and the alveolar ridge. The
                                                       air  passes  along  the  center  of  the
                                                       tongue  and  between  its  raised  sides.
                                                       The  air  passes  through  the  narrowing
                                                       with  friction.  In  pronouncing  [s]  the
                            vocal  cords  vibrate,  but  in  pronouncing  [z]  they  vibrate.  [z]  is
                            partially devoiced at the end of the words.

                            Task 48. Practise saying the words  and the sentences correctly:

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