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P. 36

Exercise 7: Words with -gr-:
                            Agreeable, agreed, angry, biographical.

                            Exercise 8: Words with-kr-:
                            Accredit, accrue, acrid, acrobat.

                            Exercise 9: Words with -pr-:
                            Approve, caprice, compress, depress.

                            Exercise 10: Words with -spr-:
                            Bedspread, hairspray, offspring, sprain.

                            Exercise 11: Words with -tr-:
                            Astral,  atrium,  Austria,  construe;  travel,  treatment,  trial,  trouble,
                            trout, trustee, trusty, truth, Try, tryst, waitress.

                            Exercise 12: Words with-str-:
                            Abstract,  Austria,  bistro,  construct;  string,  stripe,  strode,  stroke,
                            stroll, struck, structure, strung.

                            Task  33.  Read  the  text  below.  Notice  where  r  is  pronounced  and
                            where it is not pronounced:
                                     Peter Newman, the Vicar of St Andrew’s church, Repton,
                            in Nottinghamshire, is celebrating. He’s crashed his car a total of
                            five times, and he’s turned his instructor’s hair grey. But finally,
                            after a 17-year course of 632 lessons, he’s passed his driving test.
                                                             Phoneme      [w]    -   in    its
                                                        pronouncing the lips are rounded and
                                                        slightly  protruded.  The  back  of  the
                                                        tongue  is  raised  towards  the  soft
                                                        palate. The soft palate is raised. The
                                                        vocal  cords  vibrate.  From  the  initial
                                                        position  the  tongue  and  the  lips

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