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P. 29

“So I’ll do it on Wednesday,
                                if not, then on Thursday, or even on Friday”,
                                says Lazy-bones Grundy.
                                Now, very soon comes Friday
                                And Saturday comes,
                                But Lazy-bones Grundy
                                Has no time for sums.
                                “Never mind”, says Grundy,
                                  “I’ll do it on Sunday”.

                                                                                Danny had a little dog,
                                                                                Her name was Mary Lou,
                                                                                   Whenever Danny took a nap
                                                                                   His dog got sleepy, too.

                                Phoneme [m] - in its pronouncing the tongue is retracted, the
                            front part of the tongue is lowered. The lips are pressed together
                            forming a complete obstruction. The soft palate is lowered and the
                            air exhaled from the lungs passes through the nasal cavity.
                            Task 20. Practise saying the words  and the sentences correctly:
                                Me, my, miss, him, some, seems, times, rooms.
                                1.  Many men, many minds.
                                2.  The name slipped my memory.

                            Task 21. Practise the following dialogue. Learn it by heart.
                                A dialogue
                                A: Good morning, Miss Manson.
                                B: Good morning, Molly.
                                A: Is Mary in?
                                B: Yes, she is. She is coming in a minute.
                                A:  Not  a  minute  to  wait.  I’m  late,  I’m  late  for  my  music
                                  B: (shouts) Get a move on, Mary!

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