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                                   Vowels unlike consonants are produced with no obstruction
                            to  the  stream  of  air,  so  on  the  perception  level  their  integral
                            characteristic is naturally tone, not noise.
                                   The most important criteria of the vowel classification are
                            considered to be the following:
                                   a)  Stability of articulation;
                                   b)  Tongue position;
                                   c)  Lip position;
                                   d)  Character of the vowel end;
                                   e)  Length;
                                   f)  Tenseness.
                                   Stability of articulation specifies the actual position of the
                            articulating  organ  in  the  process  of  the  articulation  of  a  vowel.
                            There are two possible varieties:
                                   a)  The tongue position is stable;
                                   b)  It changes, that is the tongue moves from one position
                            to another.
                                   So,  according  to  this  principle  the  English  vowels  are
                            subdivided into:
                                   a)  Monophthongs:
                                   b)  Diphthongs:

                                   c)  Diphthongoids.
                                   Another principle is the position of the tongue in the mouth

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