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P. 41
b) The Hindu vacuum is felt most profoundly in the state's
c) The Hindu vacuum is felt most profoundly in the state's
public and private schools.
4) Політики та дипломати розглянули питання про
державну автономію Кашміру.
a) Politicians and diplomats are considering state
autonomy of Kashmir.
b) Politicians and diplomats considered state
independence of Kashmir.
c) Politicians and diplomats considered state autonomy of
5) Більшість індусів була представлена в освіті – 60%
усіх вчителів регіону були індусами.
a) Hindus had a large presence in politics - 60 percent of
all the region's teachers were Hindus.
b) Hindus had a large presence in education - 60 percent
of all the region's teachers were Hindus.
c) Hindus had a large absence in education - 60 percent of
all the region's teachers were Hindus.
6) Відверта пані Шафт стверджує, що це було чудове
поєднання культур.
a) Mrs. Shaft, a straight-talking woman, says that it was a
lovely mixture of cultures.
b) Mrs. Shaft, a straight-talking woman, said that it had
been a lovely mixture of cultures.
c) Mrs. Shaft, a straight-talking woman, has been talking
that it was a lovely mixture of cultures.
6. Choose the true statement.
1) Javed was 3 when a violent insurgency against Indian
control tore apart the state.
2) Kashmiriyat is the hundreds-year-old concept of cultural
unity through diversity.