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P. 40

2)  Why  has  a  once-cosmopolitan  society  of  Hindus  and
                                   Muslims,  Sikhs  and  Buddhists  turned  into  an  Islamic
                                3)  What does Kashmiriyat mean?
                                4)  When did the insurgency break out?
                                5)  In what schools  have  qualified Muslim teachers replaced
                                6).    What has caused  a dramatic change in the  mind-set of
                                Kashmir's young people?
                                7).    What do you know about Muchtar Ahmed?
                                8).    What have replaced short skirts?
                                9).    What kind of schools  have  sprung  up  across the  state
                                over the past decade?
                                10).   In what languages do Islamic schools teach the Koran in

                            5.  Choose the correct English translation.
                                1)  Колись  це  була  земля,  де  індуси  та  мусульмани  були
                                   добрими друзями.
                                   a)  It  was  a  land  where  Hindus  and  Muslims  were  good
                                   b)  It used to be a land where Hindus and Muslims were
                                       good friends.
                                   c)  It  used  to  be  a  landlord  where  Hindus  and  Muslims
                                       were good friends.
                                2)  У  Джейвда  ніколи  не  було  ні  індуського  вчителя,  ні
                                   індуського друга.
                                   a)  Javed has never had a Hindu teacher or friend.
                                   b)  Javed used to have a Hindu teacher or friend.
                                   c)  Javed has ever had a Hindu teacher or friend.
                                3)  Найбільша  нестача  індусів  відчувається  у  державних
                                   місцевих та приватних школах.
                                   a)  The  Hindu  vacuum  is  felt  in  the  state's  public  and
                                       private schools.

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