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2)  Більшість  бувших  радянських  держав  продовжувала
                            показувати слабкий прогрес.
                                a)  Most of the former Soviet states were continuing to show
                                   bad progress.
                                b)  Most  of  the  former  Soviet  states  went  on  to  show  weak
                                c)  Most of the  former Soviet states continued to show poor
                            3) Словацьку республіку виділили за те, що вона запровадила
                            позитивні реформи.
                                a)  The  Slovak  republic  was  singled  out  for  having
                                   implementing positive reforms.
                                b)  The  Slovak  republic  was  singled  out  for  having
                                   implemented positive reforms.
                                c)   Slovak  republic  has  been  singled  out  for  having
                                   implementing positive reforms.
                            4) Іноземне інвестування гальмується деякими внутрішніми та
                            зовнішніми перешкодами.
                                a)  Foreign investment is impeded by a number of formal and
                                   informal barriers.
                                b)  Foreign investing is stopped with a number of formal and
                                   informal barriers.
                                c)  Foreign investment is impeded by a few official and illegal
                            5)  Згідно  із  звітом,  можливо  саме  Естонія  охопила  більше
                            економічної свободи, ніж інші бувші радянські республіки.
                                a)  Estonia  embraced  economic  freedom  perhaps  more  than
                                   any other former Soviet state, as the report proclaims.
                                b)  Estonia  has  embraced  economic  freedom  perhaps  more
                                   than any other former Soviet state, according to the report.
                                c)  Estonia has hugged economic freedom perhaps more than
                                   any other former Soviet state, according to the report.
                            6). Дослідження було не на користь України через безтарифні
                            торгівельні  перешкоди,  включаючи  непрозорі  стандартні

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