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P. 143

Task 6. Translate the following text  and pay special attention to the
          underlined words and phrases.
                         Comparison of Roman and English law
                The main differences between the British legal system, called the
          accusatorial  or  adversarial  system,  and  the  system  of  some  European
          countries (for example, France), called the inquisitorial system, are that
          in  the  accusatorial  system  the  judge  acts  as  an  impartial  umpire;
          prosecution and defense each put their case; and the jury decides. In the
          inquisitorial system the inquiry into the facts is conducted by the judge,
          who also examines the evidence and interrogates witnesses.
                A  disadvantage  of  the  accusatorial  system  is  that  juries  have  to
          decide on the basis of the evidence put in court, which may be limited by
          rules  of  evidence.  The  same  evidence  would  not  be  hidden  under  the
          inquisitorial  system,  where  all  evidence  must  be  put  forward.  But  the
          inquisitorial system  does  not allow for cross-examination of witnesses,
          and gives the examining magistrate potentially-oppressive powers. Pleas
          of guilty are also not allowed.

          Task  7.  Make  the  following  sentences  complete  by  translating  the
          phrases in brackets.
                     1.  The high Court is divided into (три відділення).
                     2.  In England and in the USA the jury system (обов’язкова).
                     3.  The Chancellor was at first (королівським секретарем).
                     4.  The  Court  of  Chancery  dealt  with  (громадськими
                позовами по праву справедливості).
                     5.  The highest court in England today is (палата лордів).
                     6.  In theory any peer may take part in (розгляді апеляції).
                     7.  Common Law crimes were divided into (два класи: більш
                серйозні та менш серйозні).
                     8.  Some courts can decide the case (без присяжних)
                     9.  Capital punishment (остаточно скасовано в Англії).
                     10.       Scottish law has taken a lot (з Римського права).

                Task 8. Give synonyms to the words in bold type.
                1)  The  new  rules  were  founded  by  the  state.  2.  The  body  of  12
          persons decided the case. 3. The accused was examined in a court of law.
          4. You can’t say that a person has done wrong unless you have proved it.
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