Page 22 - 6200
P. 22

8 Scan the text and correct spelling and grammar mistakes.
                   By Saturday, August 26, 1859, Drake and Smith was drilling the whole to a depth of about
            69 foot (21 metres). Ear the end of the day, Smith notes that the bit suddenly is  dropping 6 inches
            (15 cantimitres). It was near eating time, so he shuts the operation downward, figuring he and the
            boys would never continue drilling the following Monday. On Sunday, which in this days was a
            well driller's holiday, Smith decided to checking on the well. He looked into the top of the casing
            and  found  the  whole  fully  of  oil.  Overnight, oil  from  a  formation  some  69½  foot  (21.2  mitres)
            below the surface had flowed into the well casing and filled it to the top. The well's was being fully
            of soil signalized success. No one knows for sure how much oil it did produced, but it was probably
            round 800 to 1,200 galons (about 3,000 to 4,800 liters) per day, which far outtripped the galon or
            two that could be collected off the round. Regardlessly of how much soil the well actually having
            produced, it is demonstrating that a drilled well could yield sample amounts of oil.

                                                  Translation Section

            9 Translate the following expressions at a quick pace.
                   Промислова  революція,  буріння  нафтової  свердловини,  протяг,  парова  машина,
            гірська нафта, очищена нафта, китовий жир, багато махінацій, залізно дорожній провідник,
            залізно  дорожній  проїзний,  сталева  обсадна  труба,  глиниста  кірка,  скаламутити  воду,
            буровий розчин.

            10 Translate the following sentences from English into Ukrainian.
            1  Sperm oil was clear, nearly odorless, light in weight, and burned with little smoke.
            2  Bissell and the professor had met previously and had discovered a mutual interest in finding a
                whale-oil substitute.
            3  After  examining  the  oil  sample,  Bissell  was  convinced  that  refined  rock  oil  would  burn  as
                cleanly and safely as any of the oils available at the time, including whale oil.
            4  One problem the company faced was how best to produce the oil from the land.
            5  Regardless of how much oil the well actually produced, it demonstrated that a drilled well could
                yield ample amounts of oil.
            6  Colonel  Drake's well  in Titusville  marked the  beginning of the petroleum era  in the United
            7  As far as we know, Drake's was the first well in the United States drilled for the sole purpose of
                finding and producing oil.
            8  The first successful well was drilled in 1866. It was 550 feet (168 metres) deep and produced 15
                to 20 barrels (about 2 to 3 cubic metres) a day.
            9  After prospectors found gold at Sutter's Mill in 1849, immigrants flooded into California.
            10  Consequently, practically everyone in late nineteenth-century Beaumont Beaumont knew about
                Big Hill.

            11 Translate the following sentences from Ukrainian into English.
            1  Усвідомлюючи, що сипучі піски можуть спричинити проблеми, брати Гаміль звернули
                особливу увагу на суміш бурового розчину.
            2  Дрейк та перші бурильники в Каліфорнії використовували такі типи бурових установок,
                які не вимагали бурового розчину.
            3  Вони  вручну  пробурювали  яму  в  землі,  та  в  той  же  час  перекачували  воду  з  бурової
                установки, що знаходилась поряд.
            4  Вони знали, що в каламутній воді крихітні тверді частинки глини можуть прилипнути до
                стінок свердловини.

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