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P. 97

going to the worse things use force military threatens is one thing. But if we look at things objectively they are
      really nothing to realize that in this event lots of people lost the lives and military stock power was planted and
      major part of it we do not know where it is. We do not know and we are certain not in business the conclusions
      about. It is another point and without any doubts I think is not in doubt these are very serious economic problems
      which  prevail  in  this  independent  sovereign  state  which  is  Uzbekistan.  But  separating  one  from the  other  is
      necessary realizing full well the extremeness and are actually using these circumstances. – “when you have said
      that confirm of afghanistan did you just explain that you are actually complain about it given a fact in street of
      afghanistan. And what do you thing about it?”

             – Well, thank you very much. And as far as Afghanistan concerned new and any member of any defense
      would say that there are threats of terrorist training centers and not only on the territory of Uzbekistan but also
      on neighboring territories.

             Exercise 3. Interpret the speechеs from exercise 2 into Ukrainian and English consecutively.

                                 Lesson 15. Remarks by the President on America’s Energy Security
                                       Georgetown University Washington, D.C.

             Exercise 1. Learn active vocabulary from the table below

      English                                          Ukrainian

      To have a seat                                   сідати

      to be back at                                    повертатися

      Energy Secretary                                 міністр енергетики

      Interior Department                              міністр внутрішніх справ

      Agriculture Secretary                            міністр сільського господарства

      Transportation Secretary                         міністр транспорту

      EPA Administrator                                керівник агентства по захисту
                                                       навколишнього середовища

      Environmental Quality director                   голова ради з питань якості навколишнього

      VCU                                              Університет Співдружності Вірджинії

      tumultuous time                                  неспокійний час

      regimes toppled                                  повалення режимів

      to prevent a massacre                            запобігти різанині

      to feel the pinch                                відчути удар по гаманцю

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