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Appendix B
Table A2 - A molar heat capacity of the gases at constant pressure
Coefficients of equation Temperature
C μp= a + b(T/100) + d(T/100)² , interval
kJ/(kmol К) 2
a b·10 d·10
CO 26,879 6,971 -0,8206 298 – 1500
CO 2 26,017 43,560 -14,842 298 – 1500
Cl 2 36,928 0,2512 -2,847 298 – 1500
H 2 29,085 -0,8369 2,013 390 – 1500
HCl 28,186 1,811 1,548 298 – 1500
H 2S 27,717 21,495 -3,576 298 – 1500
N 2 27,884 4,271 0 298 – 2500
NH 3 25,481 36,894 -6,305 298 – 1500
NO 26,963 8,662 -1,761 298 –1500
N 2O 31,460 44,024 -14,951 298 – 1500
SO 2 29,793 39,825 -14,7 298 – 1500
SO 3 25,443 98,545 -40,558 298 – 1500
air 27,453 6,184 -0,8993 298 - 1500
NO 2 42,160 3,39 -3770 298 – 3000
O 2 ** 31,460 9,550 -6990 298 – 2000
** By the equation C = a + b(T/100) + d(T/100) -2
Appendix C
Table A 3 - The average composition of natural gases Ukrainian fields
The composition of the gas (by volume), %
Gases fields С 5Н 12 N 2 +
СН 4 С 2Н 6 С 3Н 8 С 4Н 10 СО 2 рідкі Н 2S
Shebelinske 92,2 4,10 1,00 0,36 0,33 0,10 2,0 -
Ramowske 93,2 3,90 0,84 0,28 0,18 0,20 1,4
Kehichivske 93,2 3,30 1,40 0,25 0,15 0,50 1,2
Solkowske 86,5 0,16 0,12 0,05 0,11 0,06 13,0
Maszewske 92,7 3,70 0,64 0,27 0,29 0,40 2,0 -
Proletarske 86,2 5,30 2,40 2,00 1,80 0,80 1,5 -
Dzhankoyske 96,0 0,50 0,26 0,04 1,80 0,20 3,0 -
Vergunske 84,6 3,40 1,00 0,36 0,34 1,30 9,0
Appendix D