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Third stage separator
                  The  final  separator  here  is  a  two  phase  separator,  also
           called  a  flash-drum.  The  pressure  is  now  reduced  to  about
           atmospheric  pressure  (100  kPa)  so  that  the  last  heavy  gas
           components  will  boil  out.  In  some  processes  where  the  initial
           temperature is low, it might be necessary to heat the liquid (in a
           heat  exchanger)  again  before  the  flash  drum  to  achieve  good
           separation of the heavy components. There are level and pressure
           control loops.
                  As an alternative, when the production is mainly gas, and
           remaining liquid droplets have to be separated out, the two phase
           separator can be a Knock-Out Drum (K.O. Drum).

                  After the third stage separator, the oil can go to a coalescer
           for  final removal of water. In this unit the water content can  be
           reduced  to  below  0.1%.  The  coalescer  is  completely  filled  with
           liquid: water at the bottom and oil on top. Inside electrodes form
           an electric field to break surface bonds between conductive water
           and  isolating  oil  in  an  oil  water  emulsion.  The  coalescer  field
           plates  are  generally  steel,  sometimes  covered  with  dielectric
           material to prevent short circuits. The critical field strength in oil is
           in the range 0.2 to 2 kV/cm. Field intensity and frequency as well
           as the coalescer grid layout is different for different manufacturers
           and oil types.

                  Electrostatic Desalter
                  If the separated oil contains unacceptable amounts of salts,
           it  can  be  removed  in  an  electrostatic  desalter  (Not  used  in  the
           Njord  example)  The  salts,  which  may  be  Sodium,  Calcium  or
           Magnesium chlorides comes from the reservoir water and is also
           dissolved in the oil. The desalters will be placed after the first or
           second  stage  separator  depending  on  Gas  Oil  Ratio  (GOR)  and
           Water cut.

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