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                         OIL AND GAS COLLECTIONING AND
                             PREPATION SYSYTEMS
                                      AND GAS

                  The oil and gas process is the process equipment that takes
           the  product  from  the  wellhead  manifolds  and  delivers  stabilized
           marketable products, in the form of Crude Oil, Condensate or Gas.
           Components  of  the  process  also  exist  to test  products  and  clean
           waste products such as produced water.
                  Our example process, for the Norsk Hydro Njord floater is
           shown on the next page. This is a medium size platform with one
           production  train  and  a  production  of  40-  45.000  barrels  per  day
           (bpd). This is actual production, after separation of water and gas.
           The associated gas and is used for on board power generation and
           gas reinjection. There is only one separation and gas compression
           train. The  water  is treated and released (it could also have  been
           reinjected).  This  process  is  quite  representative  for  hundreds  of
           similar  size  installations,  and  only  more  complete  gas  treatment
           and  gas  export  is  missing  to  form  a  complete  gas  production
           facility, Njord sends the oil via a short pipeline to a nearby storage
           floater. On gravity base platforms, FPSO (Floating Production and
           Storage Operations) and onshore plants this storage will be a part
           of the main installation if the oil is not piped out directly [16].

                  Pipelines and Risers
                  This  facility  uses  Subsea  production  wells.  The  typical
           High  Pressure  (HP)  wellhead  at  the  bottom  right,  with  its
           Christmas  tree  and  choke,  is  located  on  the  sea  bottom.  A
           production riser (offshore) or gathering  line (onshore) brings the
           well flow into the manifolds. As the reservoir is produced, wells
           may fall in pressure and become Low Pressure (LP) wells.
                  This  line  may  include  several  check  valves.  The  choke,
           master  and  wing  valves  are  relatively  slow,  therefore  in  case  of
           production  shutdown,  pressure  before  the  first  closed  sectioning
           valve  will  rise  to  the  maximum  wellhead  pressure  before  these

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