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formation. The rubble prevents fracture healing, making the use of
           proppants unnecessary.
                        Damage removal refers to other forms of removing
           formation damage, such as flushing out of drill fluids [6].
                  Flexible coiled tubing can be wound on a large diameter
           drum and can be inserted and removed much quicker than tubing
           installed  from  rigid  pipe  segments.  Well  workover  equipment
           including coiled tubing is often mounted on well workover rigs.

                  Unconventional sources of oil and gas
                  The descriptions above are valid  for conventional oil and
           gas  sources.  As  demand  increases,  prices  soar  and  new
           conventional  resources  become  harder  to  find,  production  of  oil
           and  gas  from  unconventional  sources  become  more  attractive.
           These  unconventional  sources  include  very  heavy  crudes,  oil
           sands,  oil  shale,  gas  and  synthetic  crude  from  coal,  coal  bed
           methane  and  biofuels.  Estimates  for  conventional  proven
           producible  oil  and  gas  reserves  vary  somewhat.  The  current
           increase in consumption is just under 2 % per year, or 15% - 20%
           in a decade for different products, even with energy saving efforts.
           If this trend continues the time to go figures quoted above will be
           reduced by one third.
                  Estimates    on     undiscovered     conventional     and
           unconventional  sources  vary widely  as the oil  price; economical
           production  cost  and  discovery  are  uncertain  factors.  With
           continued  high  oil  prices,  figures  around  1-2  trillion  barrels
           conventional  (more  gas  than  oil)  and  3  trillion  barrels
           unconventional are often quoted, for a total remaining producible
           hydrocarbon  reserve  of  about  5  trillion  barrels  oil  equivalent.
           Within  a  decade,  it  is  expected  that  up  to  a  third  of  oil  fuel
           production may come from unconventional sources.

                  Extra Heavy Crude
                  Very Heavy crude are hydrocarbons with an API grade of
           about  15  or  below.  The  most  extreme  heavy  crude  currently
           extracted  are  Venezuelan  8  API  crude  e.g.  in  eastern  Venezuela
           (Orinoco basin). If the reservoir temperature is  high enough, the

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