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2.2 The characteristics of the term.
                                  In  terminology  science  it  is  more  often  said  that  it  is
                            impossible to define a term but it is possible to give a list of its
                               1.  A term is a sign. We can’t say that term is a word because
                            there  are  word  combinations  (price  elasticity  –  еластичні  ціни,
                            enterprise  life  circle  –  життєвий  цикл  підприємства,  well
                            flowing  life  –  період  фонтанної  експлуатації  свердловини),
                            abbreviations  (MMDA  (money  market  deposit  account)  –
                            депозитний рахунок грошового ринку,  ACRS (accelerated cost
                            recovery  system)  –  система  прискореної  амортизації
                            обладнання та споруд) even phrases (God is dead (Бог помер)–
                            a  widely  quoted  statement  by  German  philosopher  Friedrich
                            Nietzsche, conveys his view that the Christian God is no longer a
                            credible  source of absolute  moral principles; do, dico, addico (я
                            виношу рішення, я тлумачу закон, я виконую закон) – I give, I
                            say, I adjudge,  three words used in the Romanlaw, to express the
                            extent  of  the  civil  jurisdiction  of  the  praetor;  dura  lex,  sed  lex
                            (закон суворий, але це закон) – a tough law, but it is the law), or
                            word  units  with  mathematical  figures  (A.M.9  –  рідка  суміш
                            акрилових  мономерів,  17"  monitor  –  17  дюймовий  монітор,
                            50%  end  point  lethal  aerosol  dose  –  аерозольная  доза  50%
                            летальности). That’s why it is better to say that a term is a sign
                            of language nature.
                               2.  The term posseses all linguistic features i.e. it has sounding
                            and morphological forms.  Like words, they have a systematic side
                            (formal,  semantic,  and  functional)  since  they  are  units  of  an
                            established code; they also have a pragmatic side, because they are
                            units used in specialized communication to refer to the objects of
                            the real world. Terms do not seem to be very different from words
                            when we consider them from the formal or semantic point of view;
                            they differ from words when we consider them as pragmatic and
                            communicative units.

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