Page 40 - 4723
P. 40
English is an indeclinable part of speech, whereas in Ukrainian it is
declined according to the same six cases.
In both languages numerals expressing the number as the
characteristic feature of some object does not have the category of
number themselves. In Ukrainian only the numeral один somehow
retains the correlation of singular and plural forms, though in reality
its plural is reconsidered. Thus in combination with nouns, which
do not have the singular number, it really renders the singleness of
the object (одиничність предмета) (compare: одні сани, одні
окуляри), but in other cases it acquires the meaning of pronoun
(compare: одні хлопці мені говорили).
The category of gender is altogether absent in English numerals. In
Ukrainian the majority of numerals do not have it either (from 3 to
999). The gender characteristics are differentiated only in numerals
один (одна, одно), півтора (півтори).
The declension of Ukrainian numerals is not a united
consistent system; it contains the samples of different declensions.
The numeral один is declined as a demonstrative pronoun той, та,
те. The rest of the numerals are declined differently. Numerals
from 5 to 90 (except 40) have in genitive, the dative and the local
cases one common form with the flexion –и. Numerals 40, 90, 100
have the common form for the whole rest of indirect cases
The numerals півтора, півтори, півтораста are not
declined altogether. In both languages numerals can be used
independently without the modified noun. In such cases they are
somehow substantivized, performing different syntactic functions,
typical for nouns.
The peculiarity of the English language is the often use of
cardinal numerals in the role of ordinal ones. It happens usually by
denoting the year, the chapter of the book, the page, the number and
so on, e.g.: page five (п’ята сторінка), lesson two (другий
урок).Ordinal numerals are most often used in the function of
attribute in both languages: the first floor, другий поверх.The