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грабувати,  стрибати,  ковзати,  ділити,  досліджувати,  забороняти,  віддавати  перевагу,
               молитися,  крокувати,  заплутувати,  обладнати,  перевіряти,  спустошувати,  дозволяти,
               зменшувати,  брати  участь  у  перегонах,  благати,  зраджувати,  ламати,  належати,  виявляти,
               почуватися зовсім виснаженим, виходити з вагону, віддати в науку до майстра, відвідувати
               державну  школу,  обслуговувати  майстерню,  проводити  різноманітні  проекти,    знати  про
               зміни  у  розкладі,  мити  посуд,  зрозуміти  ідею,  спіймати  таксі,  давати  вказівки,  брати
               помилково,  сильно  дощити,  отримати  запрошення  на  вечірку,  отримати  з  кори,
               підсолоджувати  подих,  провалитися,  стати  загальнопоширеним  серед  громадськості,
               вирішити  проблему,  водити  у  гори,  не  мати  часу,  прекрасно  проводити  час,  забути  про
               обіцянку,  засмутитися,  заощаджувати  гроші,  носити  порвані  джинси,  переконливо  радити,
               натискати  на  дверний  дзвінок,  спалахнути  (про  пожежу),  поставити  гаманець  у  кишеню,
               сильно  травмувати  ногу,  перекусити,  вигулювати  собаку,  їхати  на  пікнік,  бути  поважним,
               витрачати  усі  гроші  на  одяг,  більше  не  мати;  Наскільки  мені  відомо..,  хвилинна  стрілка,
               маятниковий  годинник,  годинник  із  зозулею;  кумедний,  беззахисний,  незаконний,
               розчарований, нестерпно жарко, здивований, роздратований, збентежений.

                                                           UNIT 3
                                           WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?
               1. Read the following text, translate it into Ukrainian.
                                                       OUR FAMILY
                     Our family is quite a big one, there are nine of us (we are nine in all): Father, Mother,
               Grannie, Grandpa, three sons and two daughters. Besides we have a world of relatives. Our
               surname is Lysenko. We live at 24, Green Street, in Lviv.
                     My father, whose full name is Ivan Hryhorovych Lysenko, works at an institute. He is
               an architect. To my mind he is a handsome man with pale, brown face and cherry-coloured
               eyes.  My  mother  is  a  tall,  very  attractive-looking  woman  with  large  dark  eyes  and  a
               charming face, though she is 45. My mother’s maiden name was Dorosh. She is a housewife
               and runs the house. Early in the morning she is already on the go. Of course each of us
               gladly and willingly does his bit and helps Mother – even Grannie and Grandpa who have
               just been pensioned off.
                     Mummy has a brother, Yaroslav by name. Mother’s brother is our uncle. Uncle Slavik,
               as we call him, is fond of joking and always good-humoured. Mother also has a sister Lina,
               who is our aunt. She has four children. They are our cousins and our parents’ nephews and
               nieces. Auntie  Lina’s husband died  some years ago. Thus Aunt  Lina is a  widow and  her
               children are fatherless.
                     Daddy  has  a  brother,  too.  He  is  our  uncle  and  we  are  his  nephews  and  nieces.  His
               name is Yevhen Lysenko, but we call him Uncle Zhenia.
                     We  love  Uncle  Yevhen  dearly.  Though  he  is  a  man  of  a  hasty  temper  his  heart  is
               always in the right place.
                     My name is Ksenia. I am the eldest in the family. I mean the oldest of my brothers and
               my sister. When I am not among them I feel young but when I look at them I begin to feel
               quite old. My brother Myshko, that is Mykhailo, is two years younger than I am. He has just
               successfully graduated from one of the Kyiv universities. He is about to work at the biggest
               factory  in  his  special  field. They  say  Mykhailo  is  a  promising  engineer  who  is  not  only
               clever but is also a very hard worker and likes to do everything as well as he can. He is a
               good-looking chap. He has rather dark-brown hair and good grey eyes. He isn’t very tall but
               he is strong, swims well and is a good footballer.
                     Last year Myshko fell in love with a slim green-eyed girl Nataliya. I think she is pretty
               – and so do all the members of our family except Myshko, he thinks she is beautiful. They
               are getting  married next  month.  So their wedding is coming off  very soon. My brother’s

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