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P. 6
Task 1. Read and memorize the following words:
crude oil- неочищена сира нафта range in size – мати діапазон розмірів
refinery – НПЗ (нафтоочисний завод) yield - виробляти
high-grade gasoline – високоякісний бензин asphalt – нафтовий бітум, асфальт
greenish - зеленуватий lubricating oil - мастило
kerosene - гас paraffin wax - парафін
sulfur - сірка undesirable impurity – небажана домішка
fossil fuel – викопне паливо sulfur dioxide – діоксид сірки
acid rain – кислотний дощ excessive - надмірний
reservoir hydrocarbons – колектор, резервуар volatile oil – ефірне масло
low-shrinkage oil – малоусадна нафта decrease - зменшуватись
retrograde gas – ретроградний газ wet gas – конденсат ний газ, вологий газ
Task 2. Read, translate and transcribe the following words and word combinations:
methane, ethane, propane, butane, paraffin-type, hydrocarbon, molecules.
Task 3. Read the following text, translate it into Ukrainian.
The word petroleum comes from the Greek words petro for rock and oleum for oil. In its
strictest sense, petroleum includes only crude oil. By usage, however, petroleum includes both
crude oil and natural gas.
The two most common elements in both crude oil and natural gas are carbon and
hydrogen. Most of the molecules that make up crude oil and natural gas are composed of
hydrogen and carbon atoms and are called hydrocarbons. The difference between crude oil and
natural gas is the size of the hydrocarbon molecules. Under surface temperature and pressure,
any hydrocarbon molecule that has one, two, three, or four carbon atoms occurs as a gas. Natural
gas is a mixture of the four short hydrocarbon molecules. Any hydrocarbon molecule with five
or more carbon atoms occurs as a liquid. Crude oil is a mixture of several hundred hydrocarbon
molecules that range in size from 5 to more than 60 carbons in length and form straight chains,
chains with side branches, and circles.
Crude Oil
At the refinery, there are two types of crude oils. An asphalt-based crude oil contains
little or no paraffin wax and is usually black. When refined, it yields a large percentage of high-
grade gasoline and asphalt. A paraffin-based crude oil contains little or no asphalt and is usually
greenish. When refined, it yields a large percentage of paraffin wax, high-quality lubricating oil,
and kerosene. A mixed-base crude oil is a combination of both types.
Sulfur is an undesirable impurity in fossil fuels such as crude oil, natural gas, and coal.
When sulfur is burned, it forms sulfur dioxide, a gas that pollutes the air and forms acid rain.