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Figure 5.6

                                 a b    c ,                   (5.21)
          where  a ,  b  and  c  – coefficients that depend on the material of
          the rod and determined experimentally (for plastics  c  ).
          According to Yasinsky’s formula we can calculate critical stress
          for rods of  medium  flexibility, which are widely used  in  many
          steel  and  concrete  structures.  For  steel  (St3)  rod  average
          flexibility is  40    100.
          Directly  proportional  relationship  is  between  the  critical  stress
          and  flexibility  for  rods of  medium  flexibility  in  the  graph  (fig.
          5.6)  corresponds  to  the  oblique  line  area  -  the  so-called
          Yasinsky’s  Line  that  continues  Euler’s  hyperbole.  Rods of  low
          flexibility  0     40 do not count on stability as relevant critical
          stress  for them exceeds the  liquid  limit,  i.e.,  fracture of rods  is
          due to loss of strength - in fig. 5.6 This section is parallel to the x-

          5.5    Practical    calculation     of   compressed       rods

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