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P. 60

board, or have a competition to see which group can think of the
                            most items. See the box for more ideas for definitions.
                               BOX: How many things can you think of that...?
                                 ... are bigger than you are?
                                 ... are rectangular?
                                 ... are round?
                                 ... are long and thin?
                                 ... make a noise?
                                 ... work on electricity?
                                 ... are made of paper/wood/glass?
                                 ... people enjoy looking at?
                                 ... have handles?
                                 … you can use to sit on?

                             If I had a million dollars

                            Practice of conditionals; imaginative situations.

                            Procedure: Tell the students to imagine that a million dollars (or
                            an equally  large sum  in the  local currency)  is to be won by the
                            person  who  can  think  of  the  most  original  (or  worthwhile,  or
                            exciting)  thing  to  do  with  the  money.  Listen  to  their  ideas  and
                            decide who has 'won'.

                            If I weren't here

                            Conditionals; sharing ideas.

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