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P. 56

Intermediate level
                            1. Who invented the aeroplane?    (The first powered flight was by
                               Wilbur Wright in 1903. It lasted 12 seconds.)
                            2. Who is the Queen of the United Kingdom? (Queen Elizabeth II)
                            3. Who was the  most famous woman Prime Minister  in Britain?
                               (Margaret Thatcher, 1979-90)
                            4. Who invented gunpowder? (Gunpowder was probably invented
                               in China in about 1160)
                            5. Which is the most famous long island?    (Long Island in New
                               York State, containing Brooklyn, Queens and John F. Kennedy
                            6. What  did  John  Boyd  Dunlop  invent  in  1888?  (He  made  tyres
                               with air in them for his child's bicycle.)
                            7. Who  wrote  King  Lear,  Macbeth  and  Romeo  and  Juliet?
                               (William Shakespeare)
                            8. What do English-speaking people often say when they are being
                               photographed?    ('Cheese!'  Then  they  look  as  though  they  are
                            9. If it is midday in London, what time is it in New York?    (Seven
                               o'clock in the morning)
                            10.Which was the most expensive film ever made? (Star Trek in
                               1979: $46,000,000)
                            11.Which of the Beatles was killed?    (John Lennon)
                            12.Why was Leonardo da Vinci famous?   (He was an outstanding
                               thinker, painter, architect and inventor in Italy, 1452-1519.)
                            13.What is the boiling point of water?    (100° centigrade)
                            14.Name at least three countries in Europe, which have red, white
                               and  blue  flags.        (United  Kingdom,  Czechoslovakia,  France,
                               Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway)
                            15.Which river flows through Cairo?    (The Nile)
                            16.What are the first six letters on the top row of most typewriters
                               in the world?    (QWERTY)
                            17.What does UNESCO stand for?   (United Nations Educational,
                               Scientific and Cultural Organisation)
                            18.Which is the nearest big city to Heathrow Airport?    (London)
                            19.What  is  the  American  English  word  for  the  British  English

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