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                            59. You are with a group of friends visiting a big city in Europe for
                                a week. One of your friends has just lost all his/her money in
                                the city you are visiting. Discuss and decide on a plan.
                            60. You  find  1,000  hryvnas  near  the  post  office  and  take  the
                                money  home. You and  your parents discuss what to do with
                                the money. Your mother wants to find the owner. Your father
                                wants to keep the money.
                            61. You  meet  the  president.  You  want  to  give  him  some
                                suggestions  to  improve  the  country.  You  and  the  president
                                discuss three or four ideas to improve the country.
                            62. There are three people in the group and each must speak. Each
                                person must speak four times.
                            63. You  have  just  won  a  million  hryvnas  from  the  lottery.  The
                                television  news  wants  to  interview  you.  Tell  the  television
                                station what you will do with the money.
                            64. A spacecraft has just landed and some green   people come out
                                and ask, “Can you tell me what Earth is like?” They have many
                                questions about humans and our world.
                            65. Convince the shop worker you should not pay for the food you
                                are about to buy because you are so nice. The store worker is
                            66. You are a lawmaker in the Parliament and want them to pass a
                                law to protect the rivers from factories that pollute. Convince
                                the committee to pass the law.
                            67. Explain to your  little  brother/sister why they should do their
                                homework  and  get  good  marks.  However,  you  have  poor
                                marks and he/she wants to be like you.
                            68. A popular radio station has invited you, a famous rock star, to
                                be interviewed on the air. Conduct an interview as if you were
                                “on the air”.
                            69. You  stole  a  car  and  were  just  caught  by  the  police.  The
                                policeman asks, “Why did you steal the car?”  The car was a
                                police car. Explain to the police why and what you were going
                                to do with the car.
                            70. A stranger says to you, ”I am lost. Can you help me find … ?”
                                Start from where you are now.

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