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46. You are not accepted to enter any university. Explain to your
                                upset, angry parents why you weren’t accepted and what you
                                will do.
                            47. You don’t want to go to the university today, but you are not
                                sick. You say to your  mother, “Can I  stay  home today? I’m
                                feeling sick.” Your mother tells you what to do to feel better.
                                She doesn’t believe you, so you must convince her to let you
                                stay home.
                            48. A  …  visits  for  the  first  time.  Show  him  or  her  around  your
                                house (take them on a tour). Decide who the guest is (famous
                                person, relative, teacher, etc.) and his/her name.
                            49. Convince your parents to buy a car for you.
                            50. Convince your brother to do your housework. You are too lazy
                                and would rather sit and watch TV.
                            51. You  need  money  for  the  Friday  night  disco.  Convince  your
                                father to give you some money for the night out.
                            52. You and your father want to watch different TV programs. Try
                                to  convince  him  he  should  watch  the  program  you  want  to
                            53. A mother loses her five-year child at the market. She is very
                                upset, and goes to the police to ask for help.
                            54. You and your sister/brother return home  from the university.
                                You say, “Open the door with your key. I haven’t got mine.”
                                But she/he doesn’t have the key either. What do you do now?
                            55. You are with your brother or sister alone. Someone is calling
                                you on the phone and often hanging up. Suddenly the doorbell
                                rings. Call the police for help.
                            56. Your father is awakened in the middle of the night to singing
                                outside. Your boyfriend is singing at your window. Role-play
                                what happens next?
                            57. Your  house  has  been  robbed.  You  call  the  police  and  they
                                come  to  talk  to  you.  The  police  officer  is  asking  many
                            58. Your brother needs some advice about entering the next form
                                that you have just finished. He thinks it will be difficult. Give
                                him some advice.
                                “If I were you I would …”.

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