Page 35 - 447
P. 35

You and your students may like the idea of having a regular five-
                            minute slot in your lesson called 'Amazing facts'. In this session
                            you or a student have  five  minutes  in which to inform the class
                            about something they may not be familiar with and which is likely
                            to amaze them. An obvious source of information is the Guinness
                            Book  of Records,  available  in  most  countries  and  brought  up  to
                            date every year. Books of statistical information from government
                            sources or from specialist institutions are another source.
                                  Instead of trying to fill a five-minute slot, a single amazing
                            statement  can  be  made.  It  might  well  provoke  some  discussion.
                            Here is a brief example: 'People often say that it is always raining
                            in  Britain,  but  the  annual  rainfall  in  London  is  only  61  cm.  In
                            Brussels it is 72 cm, in Lisbon it is 68 cm, in Milan it is 94 cm,
                            and in Geneva it is 86 cm.


                             Vocabulary  review  and  enrichment  through  imaginative

                                  Start by suggesting an evocative word: 'storm', for example.
                            A student says what the word suggests to him or her - it might be
                            'dark'.  The  next  student  suggests  an  association  with  the  word
                            'dark', and so on round the class.
                                  Other  words  you  might  start  with:  sea,  fire,  tired,  holiday,
                            morning,  English,  family,  home,  angry.  Or  use  an  item  of  the
                            vocabulary the class has recently learnt.

                                  If there is time, after you have completed a chain of about
                            15-25 associations, take the final word suggested, write it on the
                            board, and, together with the class, try to reconstruct the entire
                            chain back to the original idea.

                            Blackboard bingo

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