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life and mode of life of the ancient man not
only in Ukraine, but also in the whole eastern
During this period:
1) the climate was relatively warm and
2) gathering was the primary occupation.
Gradually the role of hunting was increasing;
3) the digging stick and the hand chipper
were the main instruments of labour. Later
stickles, percussive and percussion-drag
instruments appeared.
4) primitive men lived in herds, mastered
stone and earth caves;
5) fire had not been yielded yet but it was
constantly used (they constantly kept it up);
6) the most known sites were near Koroleve
village, Luka-Vrublevetska, Zhytomyrska and
other. There have been found about 30
ancient sites of primitive men.
150-100 thous. The Middle Paleolith. It is so-called
~ 40-50 thous. Mousterian Age. It is characterized by:
B.C. 1) appearance of physical type-
Paleoanthropus man (ancient men) or the
Neanderthal man;
2) abrupt fall of temperature with ice
3) the man learnt to yield fire by himself and
make warm clothing from animal skin;
4) instruments of labour improved: stone
working technique, stone picks used as points
for spears, stone knives, pricking instruments,
etc. appeared;