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Unit 2

                              GENERAL FACTS ABOUT THE HISTORY
                                                   OF THE USA

                            1.     Read  and  memorize  the  following  words,  word-
                            combinations and word groups:

                            empire - імперія
                            settler - поселенець
                            to establish - засновувати
                            to acquire - одержувати
                            to expand - розширювати
                            slavery -  рабство
                            to defeat - завдавати поразки
                            troops - війська
                            influence - вплив
                            pivotal - осьовий, основний

                            2.     Read and translate the text:

                                North America's history before Europeans arrived is incomplete,
                            but  the  original  inhabitants  had  large  empires  and  advanced
                            civilizations.  From  the  17th  century  on,  Native  Americans  were
                            displaced by European settlers who had come for riches, territory, and
                            a  "new  world."  British  colonies  (the  thirteen  colonies)  were
                            established on the east coast of North America. Spanish and French
                            explorers also claimed large territories.
                                By the mid-18th century, the colonists desired independence from
                            Great Britain. The American Revolution of 1776 led to independence
                            and  a  loose  confederation  of  states.  The  Constitution  of  1787
                            established the basic form of government as it exists today.  Explorers
                            and pioneers moved west and settled large areas of land. The United
                            States acquired territory from France, Mexico, and Spain throughout
                            the 19th century, expanding its borders from the Atlantic Ocean to the
                                      In 1861, civil war broke out between Union states in the north
                            and  Confederate  states  in  the  south  over  issues  of  slavery,  states'
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