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                                                     Unit 1

                                 GENERAL FACTS ABOUT THE USA
                                       GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION

                            1.     Read  and  memorize  the  following  words,  word-
                            combinations and word groups:

                            hihgland - нагір’я
                            lowland - низина, долина
                            prairie - прерія
                            valley - долина
                            typhoon - тайфун
                            damp -  вологий

                            2.     Read and translate the text:

                                   The USA is situated in the central part of the North American
                            continent. Its western coast is washed by the Pacific Ocean and its
                            eastern coast - by the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico.
                                   The USA is separated from Canada in the north by the forty-
                            ninth parаllel and the Great Lakes and from Mexico in the south
                            by a line following the Rio Grande River and continuing across the
                            highland to the Pacific Ocean.
                                   The USA is a federal republic of fifty states and the District of
                            Columbia. The  state of  Alaska  is  separated  from  the  rest of  the
                            USA by Canada and its western end is only 30 kilometers from
                            Russia. Hawaii, which became the fiftieth state in 1959, is in the
                            Pacific  Ocean,  halfway  between  the  Continents  of  America  and
                                   The total area of the USA is over 9 million square kilometers.
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