Page 6 - 416_
P. 6

9.  Where is the climate much warmer?
                                10. Why does the climate in the USA differ from one part of
                                   the country to another?

                            4.     Read and translate the text:

                               Facts in Brief:

                                    9,372,614 SQ. KM (CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES
                                     PLUS         ALASKA AND HAWAII)
                                    19,924 KM OF COASTLINE
                                    2,176,000  FARMS,  AVERAGING  186.7  HECTARES
                                     PER FARM
                                    29.3  PER-CENT  GRAZING  AND  PASTURE;  17.8
                                     PERCENT CULTIVATED
                                    26.9 PERCENT FOREST
                                    26 PERCENT URBAN

                                  The vast and varied expanse of the United States of America
                            stretches  from  the  heavily  industrialized,  metropolitan  Atlantic
                            seaboard,  across  the  rich  flat  farms  of  the  central  Plains,  over  the
                            majestic  Rocky  Mountains  to  the  fertile,  densely  populated  West
                            Coast, then halfway across the Pacific to the semi-tropical island-state
                            of Hawaii. The continental United States measures 4,505 kilometers
                            from its Atlantic to Pacific coasts, 2,574 kilometers from Canada to
                            Mexico;  with  Alaska  and  Hawaii  it  covers  9,372,614  square
                            kilometers. In area, it is the fourth largest nation in the world (behind
                            Russia, Canada and China).
                                  The sparsely settled far-northern state of Alaska is the largest of
                            America's 50 states with a land mass of 1,477,887 square kilometers.
                            Alaska  is  nearly  400  times  the  size of  Rhode  Island,  which  is  the
                            smallest  state;  but  Alaska,  with  525,000  people,  has  half  the
                            population of Rhode Island.
                                  Airlines service 834 cities throughout the country. A flight from
                            New York to San Francisco takes five-and-a-half hours. Train service
                            is also available. The most frequent service is between Washington,
                            D.C.,  New  York  and  Boston  in  the  East;  St.  Louis,  Chicago  and
                            Milwaukee  in  the Midwest;  and  San  Diego,  Los  Angeles and  San
                            Francisco in the West. A coast-to-coast trip by train takes three days.
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