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The  continental  part  of  the  USA  consists  of  two  highland
                            regions  and  two  lowland  regions.  The  highland  regions  are  the
                            Appalachian Mountains in the east, and the Cordillera in the west.
                            The  Appalachian  Mountains  run  parallel  to  the  Atlantic  coast
                            almost from the Gulf of Mexico into Canada.
                                   Between  the  Cordillera  and  the  Appalachian  Mountains  are
                            the central lowlands, which are called the prairie, and the eastern
                            lowlands, called the Mississippi valley.
                                   The  five  Great  Lakes,  between  the  USA  and  Canada,  are
                            joined together by short rivers or canals, to the Atlantic Ocean by
                            the Saint Lawrence River and to the Hudson River by a canal. In
                            the west of the USA there is another lake, called the Great Salt
                                   The  principal  rivers  of  the  USA  are  the  Mississippi,  the
                            longest river in the world (7330 kilometers), which flows into the
                            Gulf of Mexico, the Colorado and the Columbia, which flow into
                            the  Pacific  Ocean  and  the  Hudson  River,  which  flows  into  the
                            Atlantic Ocean.
                                  The  climate  in  the  USA  differs  greatly  from  one part  of  the
                            country to another. The coldest climate is in the north, where there
                            is heavy snow in winter and the temperature may go down to 40
                            degrees  below  zero.  The  south  has  a  subtropical  climate,  with
                            temperatures as high as 49 degrees in summer. Hot winds blowing
                            from the Gulf of Mexico often bring typhoons. The climate along
                            the Pacific coast is much warmer than that of the Atlantic coast.
                            The heaviest rains in the country  are in the Washington regions
                            and  climate  in  the  Gulf  of  Mexico  area  is  also very  damp. The
                            region around the Great Lakes is known for its changeable climate.

                            3.     Answer the following questions:

                                1.  When did Hawaii become the 50  state?
                                2.  What is the total area of the USA?
                                3.  How do the Appalachian Mountains run?
                                4.  How are the central lowlands called?
                                5.  How many lakes are joined together?
                                6.  What river flows into the Gulf of Mexico?
                                7.  What are the longest rivers of the USA?
                                8.  Where is the coldest climate?
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