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leafy - покритий      листям
                            knoll - пагорб
                            lavish - щедрий
                            sun-tan - засмага
                            blossoming - що розцвітає
                            intermission - антракт
                            tuition - плата за навчання
                            fire engine - пожежна машина
                            carriage - екіпаж
                            world-renowed - відомий усьому світові
                            invertebrate - безхребетна тварина
                            adjoining - прилеглий
                            dome - купол
                            armour - зброя
                            tapestry - гобелен
                            jampack - заповнювати до відказу
                            Medieval - середньовічний
                            Guggenheim Museum - музей абстракціоністського мистецтва
                            Jumel Mansion - музей американської революції, де у 1776 році
                            розташовувався штаб Вашінгтона
                            Dyckman House - єдиний голландський фермерський будинок,
                            який зберігся до цього часу у Манхаттані

                                Uptown  Manhattan  is  distinguished  by  its  own  unique
                            identity and disturbing beauty.
                                NEW  YORK'S  CENTRAL  PARK  is  in  nowise  taken  away
                            from  nature,  but  is  rendered  back  to  her,  when  all  has  been
                            done  to  beautify  it.  An  American  woodland,  breaking  into
                            meadows  here  and  there  and  brightened  with  pools  and  ponds
                            lurking among rude masses of rock, and gleaming between leafy knolls
                            and grassy levels, is very picturesque.
                                Central Park extends from 59th to 110th Streets, between Fifth
                            Avenue and Central Park West. The 850-acre tract combines beautifully-
                            landscaped  areas  with  a  remarkable  variety  of  recreation  facilities.
                            Among its features are the Central Park Zoo, Children's Zoo, two
                            skating rinks, model yacht pond, carousel, two rowing lakes.
                                Central Park, beautiful and forbidding at other times of the year,
                            in  summer  becomes  Ceres,  lavish  with  simple  pleasures.  The
                            storytellers come out, the roller skaters, the picnickers, and the sun-
                            tanners. The park becomes intensely busy with soccer practice and
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