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P. 47

4.     Read and translate the texts:

                                               WASHINGTON, D.C.

                                Washington, D.C., is the capital of the United States. It is also
                            one of the country's most beautiful and historic cities and the site
                            of many of its most popular tourist attractions.
                                Washington  serves  as  the  headquarters  of  the  federal
                            government. The President of the United States, the members of
                            Congress,  the  Supreme  Court  justices,  and  about  370,000  other
                            federal  government  employees  work  in  the  Washington  area.
                            Decisions made by government leaders in the city affect the lives
                            of people throughout the United States and, increasingly, through-
                            out  the  world.  For  example,  the  President  suggests  laws  to
                            Congress  and  directs  U.S.  relations  with  other  countries.  The
                            members of Congress pass laws that every American citizen must
                            obey.  The  Supreme  Court  justices  decide  whether  the
                            government's laws and practices are constitutional.
                                Washington  is  important  to  the  American  people  in  another
                            way.  The city  is  a  symbol of  their  country’s  unity,  history,  and
                            democratic tradition.
                                Every  year,  millions  of  people  from  all  parts  of  the  United
                            States and from other countries visit Washington. They go there to
                            see  such  important  government  buildings  as  the  United  States
                            Capitol, where Congress meets, and the White House, where the
                            President lives and works. They visit the Washington Monument,
                            Lincoln  Memorial,  and  other  famous  structures  dedicated  to
                            American  heroes  of  the  past.  They  also  tour  the  city’s  many
                            museums, which together house the world’s largest collection of
                            items from America's past.
                                Most    of   Washington's    main    government    buildings,
                            monuments,  and  museums  stand  in  the  west-central  part  of  the
                            city.  This  area  ranks  among  the  nation's  most  beautiful  places.
                            Many  of  its  buildings  and  monuments  are  magnificent  white
                            marble structures. Scenic parks and gardens, and - in springtime -
                            gorgeous blossoms of Japanese cherry trees, add natural beauty to
                            the manmade splendor of the area.
                                Outside the west-central area, Washington is much like other
                            big cities. It has large residential areas, including wealthy, middle-
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