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P. 45

Unit 7

                                       WASHINGTON - THE CAPITAL OF
                                                     THE USA

                            1.     Read  and  memorize  the  following  words,  word-
                            combinations and word groups:

                            to be founded - бути заснованим
                            to complete - завершувати
                            to move - переїздити
                            marble - мармур
                            sky-scraper - хмарочос
                            law -  закон
                            to forbid - забороняти
                            to compare - порівнювати
                            to select - вибирати
                            corner-stone - наріжний камінь

                            2.     Read and translate the text:

                                   Washington, the capital of the United State, is situated on the
                            Potomac  River  in  the  District  of  Columbia.  The  capital  owes  a
                            great  deal  to  the nation’s  first  President,  George  Washington.  It
                            was Washington who selected the site for the District and laid the
                            cornerstone  of  the  Capital  Building,  where  Congress  seats.  The
                            city was founded in 1790. The District of Columbia was named in
                            honor of Christopher Columbus who discovered America. It is a
                            piece of land ten miles square which does not belong to any state.
                            By  1800  the  north  section  of  Washington  was  completed  and
                            Congress moved from Philadelphia to the new capital.
                                   Washington  is  a  beautiful  city.  The  houses  of  marble  and
                            white stone make a great impression on those first visiting it. The
                            city was planned carefully and differs from some other cities of the
                            USA  with  their  sky-scrapers.  The  buildings  are  not  very  high
                            because of the law forbidding to build houses more than 90 feet
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