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                                 ELEMENTARY - 60,800
                                 SECONDARY - 23,400

                            PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES:

                                 2,419,700

                            MICROCOMPUTERS IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS (percent):

                                 96.4
                                 ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS - 96
                                 JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOLS - 98.6
                                 SENIOR HIGH SCHOOLS – 99

                            PERCENT HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES
                            ENROLLED IN COLLEGE:

                                 54.8

                            EARNED DEGREES:

                                 BACHELOR'S - 987,823
                                 MASTER'S - 288,567
                                 DOCTORATE - 33.653

                                Over 58 million students are enrolled in American schools, which
                            range  from  kindergartens  to high  schools,  small colleges  and  large
                            universities, as well as a variety of institutions for adult education and
                            vocational training. Americans place a high value on education for
                            themselves  and  their  children,  and  universal  access  to  quality
                            education has been one of the nation's historic goals.
                                More  than  100  years  before  the  signing  of  the  Declaration  of
                            Independence,  European  settlers  in  Massachusetts  passed  laws
                            requiring all communities to hire schoolmasters; larger towns had to
                            establish grammar schools to train children for the university. Ameri-
                            ca's first college, Harvard, was founded in Massachusetts in 1636; the
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