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P. 95
some observations based on May contain new and
what I’ve said. important information
some conclusions/ Is short.
a brief conclusion. Questions
Inviting questions implies
Concluding that the audience is less
There are two conclusions/ expert than the speaker.
recommendations. Beware of the “nightmare
What we need is ….. scenario” – total silence.
I think we have to ….. Have one or two prepared
I think we have seen that we questions to ask the
should …. audience.
Keep control of the
Inviting questions/ or introducing meeting.
That concludes (the formal part Discussion
of) my talk. Inviting discussion gives
(Thanks for listening) …. Now the impression that the
I’d like to invite your comments. audience has useful
Now we have (half an hour) for experience, so is often
questions and discussion. more diplomatic.
Alright. Now, any questions or You still need to control
comments? the discussion.
So, now I’d be very interested to
hear your comments. Invitnning discussion and
HANDLING QUESTIONS Often the best solution
Understood but difficult or Keep control, limit long
impossible to answer contributions, watch the
That’s a difficult question to time.
answer in a few words
It could be ….. Handling questions
In my experience …. Listen very carefully.
I would say …. Ask for repetition or
I don’t think I am the right clarification if necessary.
person to answer that. Perhaps Paraphrase the question to