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                                  "Oh, there's Wilson back again."
                                  We  scrunched  over  the  beach,  the  only  drawback  to  the
                            bathing-place being that it was shingle and not sand, and as we came
                            along Wilson saw us and waved. He was standing up, a pipe in his
                            mouth, and he wore nothing but a pair of trunks. His body was dark
                            brown, thin but not emaciated and, considering his wrinkled face and
                            grey  hair,  youthful.  Hot  from  our  walk,  we  undressed  quickly  and
                            plunged at once into the water. Six feet from the shore it was thirty
                            feet deep, but so clear that you could see the bottom. It was warm, yet
                                  When  I  got  out  Wilson  was  lying  on  his  belly,  with  a  towel
                            under  him, reading a book. I  lit a cigarette and went and sat down
                            beside him.
                                  "Had a nice swim? " he asked.
                                  He put his pipe inside his book to mark the place and closing it
                            put it down on the pebbles beside him. He was evidently willing to
                                  "Lovely," I said. "It's the best bathing in the world.”
                                  "Of course people think those were the Baths of Tiberius." He
                            waved his hand towards a shapeless mass of masonry that stood half
                            in  the water and  half  out.  "But  that's all rot.  It was just  one  of  his
                            villas, you know."
                                  I did. But it is just as well to let people tell you things when
                            they want to. It disposes them kindly towards you if you suffer them
                            to impart information. Wilson gave a chuckle.
                                  "Funny old fellow, Tiberius. Pity they're saying now there's not
                            a word of truth in all those stories about him."
                                  He  began  to  tell  me  all  about  Tiberius.  Well,  I  had  read  my
                            Suetonius too and I had read histories of the Early Roman Empire, so
                            there was nothing very new to me in what he said. But I observed that
                            he was not ill-read. I remarked on it.
                                  "Oh, well, when I settled down here I was naturally interested,
                            and I have plenty of time for reading. When you live in a place like
                            this, with all its associations, it seems to make history so actual. You
                            might almost be living in historical times yourself."
                                  I should remark here that this was in 1913. The world was an
                            easy,  comfortable  place  and  no  one  could  have  imagined  that
                            anything might happen seriously to disturb the serenity of existence.
                                  "How long have you been here? " I asked.
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