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                            hotel touts, and the tumbledown houses on the Marina and the walk
                            up to the hotel, and dining on the terrace—well, it just got me. That's
                            the truth. I didn't know if I was standing on my head or my heels. I'd
                            never drunk Capri wine before, but I'd heard of it; I think I must have
                            got a bit tight. I sat on that terrace after they'd all gone to bed and
                            watched the moon over the sea, and there was Vesuvius with a great
                            red  plume  of  smoke  rising  up  from  it.  Of  course  I  know  now  that
                            wine I drank was ink, Capri wine my eye, but I thought it all right
                            then. But it wasn't the wine that made me drunk, it was the shape of
                            the island and those jabbering people, the moon and the sea and the
                            oleander in the hotel garden. I'd never seen an oleander before."
                                  It was a long speech and it had made him thirsty. He took up
                            his  glass,  but  it  was  empty.  I  asked  him  if  he  would  have  another
                                  "It's sickly stuff. Let's have a bottle of wine. That's sound, that
                            is, pure juice of the grape and can't hurt anyone."
                                  I ordered more wine, and when it came filled the glasses. He
                            took a long drink and after a sigh of pleasure went on.
                                  "Next day I found my way to the bathing-place we go to. Not
                            bad  bathing,  I  thought.  Then  I  wandered  about  the  island.  As  luck
                            would have it, there was a festa up at the Punta di Timberio and I ran
                            straight  into  the  middle  of  it.  An  image  of  the  Virgin  and  priests,
                            acolytes  swinging  censers,  and  a  whole  crowd  of  jolly,  laughing,
                            excited  people,  a  lot  of  them  all  dressed  up.  I  ran  across  an
                            Englishman there and asked  him what  it was all  about. Oh,  it's the
                            feast  of  the  Assumption,  he  said,  at  least  that's  what  the  Catholic
                            Church says it is, but that's just their hanky-panky. It's the festival of
                            Venus. Pagan, you know. Aphrodite rising from the sea and all that. It
                            gave me quite a funny feeling to hear him. It seemed to take one a
                            long way back, if you know what I mean. After that I went down one
                            night to have a look at the Faraglioni by moonlight. If the fates had
                            wanted me to go on being a bank manager they oughtn't to have let
                            me take that walk."
                                  "You were a bank manager, were you? " I asked.
                                  I had been wrong about him, but not far wrong.
                                  "Yes, I was manager of the Crawford Street branch of the York
                            and City. It was convenient for me because I lived up Hendon way. I
                            could get from door to door in thirty-seven minutes."
                                  He puffed at his pipe and relit it.
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