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                                11)  [marriage] is a trying moment for any man. It is a thrilling moment
                                     for any woman.
                                12)  She made no attempt at youth…
                                13)  …because it [her face] owed nothing to artifice it had a naturalness
                                     that was very pleasing.
                                14)  Pygmalion had finished his fantastic masterpiece: Galatea was come
                                     to life.
                                15)  It was the same Jane as I had known before, perfectly simple, homely
                                     and uneffected, but her fantastic appearance certainly gave her a
                                     peculiar savour to what she said.
                                16)  It was impossible to repeat anything she said, for the fun, like certain
                                     wines, would not travel.
                                17)  There are those who think that impropriety, rather than brevity, is the
                                     soul of wit.
                                18)  It [humor] flew like a butterfly from flower to flower, obedient only
                                     to its own caprice and pursuivant of neither method nor intention.
                                19)  Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety.
                                20)  My only merit is that I saw what was  there when it wasn’t obvious to
                                     the naked eye.
                                21)  But notwithstanding appearances she never faltered in her opinion
                                     that the marriage could not last.
                                22)  When anyone is very positive in an opinion it is only human nature to
                                     wish him proved wrong.
                                23)  …the  fates seldom give us what we want in the way we want it…
                                24)  I’m beginning to feel the need of the companionship of a man of my
                                     own age.
                                25)  The young have no conversation.
                                26)  Then I discovered it was because I spoke the truth. It was so unusual
                                     that people thought it humorous.
                                27)  Perhaps you don’t know the truth when you see it.

                            10.Write a brief summary of the story.

                            11.Analyse the reading according to the following outline:
                            1.  Introduction: (author, title, background, and main idea)
                            2.  Form:
                                a) Genre
                                b) Structure
                            3.  Content:
                                a) Theme or thesis
                                b) Plot or action
                                c) Characters
                                d) Setting
                                e) Point of view
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