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                            6.  to diminish                      20. to vanish
                            7.  obsequies                        21. to flutter
                            8.  to be past all counting          22. poignancy
                            9.  to be drawn deep into domesticity   23. immaculate
                            10. to exorcise                      24. cushion
                            11. to make a resolution             25. esoteric
                            12. alumni                           26. treachery
                            13. to be out of order               27. to   get   through   the

                            2.Supply antonyms and synonyms to the following.
                            Precious, distort, virtue, shortcoming, respectfully, revolt, disconcerting,
                            fearfully,  indiscretion,  supercilious,  solitude,  responsively,  impatiently,
                            gentleness, immaculate, stiffly, preoccupied, stunt.

                            3.Answer the questions.
                            1.  Did Anson blame himself for Sloane’s death? Why?
                            2.  What did Anson’s family do after Mrs. Hunter’s death?
                            3.  What change had taken place in Anson himself?
                            4.  What was he most concerned about?
                            5.  Why did Anson’s friends’ attitude change to him?
                            6.  Why did the fact about his friends’ having gone to the country cut at
                            7.  What was intolerable to Anson?
                            8.  What feelings did Anson’s encounter with Paula evoke?
                            9.  What did Paula tell about her life?
                            10. What did Paula accuse him of?

                            4.Which sentences are true?
                            1.  Anson blamed himself for Cary Sloane’s  death.
                            2.  Just  before  Christmas  Mrs.  Hunter  retired  to  a  select  Episcopal
                            3.  They decided that the house wouldn’t go into the market in the fall.
                            4.  At twenty nine Anson’s chief concern was his loneliness.
                            5.  Before his thirtieth birthday the last of his early and intimate friends
                                got married.
                            6.  Anson liked to spend his leisure hours in Hot Springs.
                            7.  When Anson met Paula he realized that  the memory of their love
                                hadn’t lost poignancy to her.
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